Talk-Listen is a project devoted to enabling people on opposite sides of political and social issues to speak one-on-one, live, and to learn techniques for engaging peacefully and productively with one another.
The following outlines a vision and starting plan for Talk/Listen, a project devoted to enabling people on opposite sides of political and social issues to speak one-on-one, live (not via text chat) over the phone or on the internet, and to learn techniques for engaging peacefully and productively with one another. The goal is to teach and to practice an approach which helps people on all sides to talk in a reasonable, friendly and productive way, without resorting to angry talk, and hopefully with a general sense of goodwill.
This is not intended as an alternative to standing up for one’s own particular political causes, candidates, or platforms, but as an additional and different kind of effort to help our society become a little bit wiser and more flexible overall, by helping to mend a social fabric that is now pretty frayed.